Sunday, November 8, 2009

The Cake Man

Here are the questions for The Cake Man

1. Describe how King made it inevitable for Chris to enter the game?

2. Explain the Irony of King announcing to his wife that he was getting out of the drug life, and then getting busted by the Feds the very next day.

3. Why do you think that Chris really made the decision to start selling drugs versus getting a legitimate job?

4. What can we learn from the experiences that women had with Ali and Chino?

5. Why do you think Gregory saved Ali and Chino until the end of the story?

6. How did Chris let the game take him out of his normal hook-up?

7. Why do you think that Jasmine opted to help Chris get on top and stay on top?

8. Explain how Chris and Jasmine's relationship was similar to that of his mother's and father's relationship.

9. Discuss how the book transitions from first person to second person through out the story.

10. How realistic do you feel the ending of this book was? Do you think that it accurately depicts what happens in real life to brothers who choose this particular lifestyle?

11. What other comments do you have regarding this book?