Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Prada Plan

1. Should Disaya have forgiven Elaine for killing her mother?

2. Was Disaya wrong for not telling Indie about Skylar?

3. What could have happened to Leah to make her so cruel and disturbed? Is she crazy, or is there a deeper reason behind her actions?

4. How did you feel when Indie and Disaya saw each other again for the first time? Did he still love her all along? Was he wrong for beating her when she was pregnant?

5. Did Mona deserve to die at the hands of Bay?

6. Did Mona's rape as a child contribute to her promiscuous ways as an adult?

7. What do you think will happen to baby Skylar? Will Leah hurt her?

8. What did you think of Buchanan Slim?

9. Who was your favorite character, why?

10. If you were in Disaya's shoes, would you have taken Indie back after all that she had been through?

11. Was Indie wrong for sleeping with Leah, even though he didn't know who she really was or what she did? Was he wrong for moving on from Disaya?


  1. A brief synopsis:

    The Prada Plan

    A very graphic novel, this story has all the elements to keep your attention, sex, lies and murder, there’s excitement from the very beginning. If you love a good mystery, you’ll enjoy reading, “The Prada Plan”.

    The story of a young girls journey through life, after losing both parents and being placed into foster care. You’ll be amazed at what this young girl goes through and how life’s events can come full circle.

  2. I totally agree. I couldn't believe the events that took place in this book. At first, I just wrote it off as just another ghetto story, but there was actually action and mystery to the book.

    I think that we are definitely going to read part 2 because I have to know how they handle Leah...what a nut case! One of the questions ask if I think that she is crazy, and I would have to say HELL TO THE YEAH! It could have been written off as something deeper, but to stand there and smear lipstick all over your face, something is just not clicking right.

    I think that she will deserve whatever they are going to do to her in part 2.

    I hope that part 2 does not just focuss on Indie and his dope game though...that gets extremely boring after a while.

  3. Part 2 isn't out yet but I'm already on the waiting list, the libraries are starting waiting list's now.
