Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Piece of Cake

Here are the questions for the group discussion. Please feel free to post your comments here as well.

1. How do you think Cupcake and Larry’s trail through the foster care system would have been
different if they had been close? Do you think it would have helped either of them later in

2. On page ten Cupcake says, “That was one thing about me. I didn’t have many people in my
life, but those I had I loved fiercely.” Do you think this changed as she moved through the
foster care system, and then onto drugs, drinking, etcetera? Why or why not?

3. Discuss the adult figures Cupcake had in her life while she was growing up—Daddy, Jr, Mr.
Burns, Diane Dobson. With these role models, could she have found a better way out of her
situation then turning to drugs and alcohol?

4. Why do you think Cupcake was so easily swayed by the thinking that “Nothing comes for
free”? How did she make the leap from applying this thought to material items and food to
less concrete realities like love and acceptance?

5. Do you think Cupcake would have changed her ways earlier if she had been able to complete
her first pregnancy? Or like Kelly, would the partying, drinking and drugs have won out
over a child? Do you think having someone to look after the baby for her would have
influenced her either way?

6. Why do you think Cupcake had several abortions after her first lost pregnancy? Was it simply
a matter of wanting to live a fast life, or do you think she was afraid to let herself love and
be responsible for another person?

7. Cupcake finally admits to not liking herself and begins the long road to developing self
acceptance, self worth, and self love. Have you ever struggled with your self image or self
worth? If so, did Cupcake’s story help you in any way?

8. On page 308, the cop “Preacher’ says to Cupcake, “Now don’t get me wrong. Nobody belongs
out here. But some people…well, they need to be here. They don’t want anything better for
themselves. They’re too far gone. They don’t want to come back.” What do you think

“Preacher” saw about Cupcake that convinced him she wasn’t one of the people who “don’t
want to come back”? Do you think Cupcake began to listen to him at this point?

9. On page 326, Cupcake says, “I’d quit talking to daddy and Jr because all we did was argue:
they fuss about how I was fucking up my life, and I wanted to know if they had any money
I could borrow. In my mind, unless they had money to give, we had nothing to talk about.”
Discuss the similarities between Cupcake’s attitude here and Mr. Burn’s attitude towards the
insurance money. Do you think Cupcake realized the similarities? Do you think she would
have changed her ways if she did?

10. Compare and contrast the roles that Fly and Larry played in Cupcake’s life. Why do you
think she allowed Fly to be more of a brother to her than Larry? Did it have to do with
their gang participation?

11. On page 411, Venita asked Cupcake if she ever grieved for her mother. Do you think
Cupcake could have avoided her addictions and problems if someone would have taken
the time to ask this and help her through the stages of grief?

12. Discuss the inspirational qualities of a story like Cupcake’s. Has her story influenced you to
make any changes in your own life?

1 comment:

  1. Now this was a real eye opener. I tell you it made me realize that there was some work that I needed to do to make my walk with Christ a much stronger relationship. I had to think about all the emotions and influences that had taken over my life.

    I realized that I need to do more to better myself, and to try and help others to better themselves. What an inspirational story that takes the face of all the trials and tribulations that one could go through. ESPECIALLY A WOMAN! Cupcake Brown did a wonderful job at implementing human emotions in the story. There have been many times I have felt alone, frustrated, helpless, hopeless, lost, unappreciated, mistreated, loved, abandoned, and misguided.

    I can't see how anyone could read this book in its entirety, and not want to change their life around. Talk with Jesus more, and just thank God for every precious day that they have had. What a great book to start back with. It really motivated me for change.
