Thursday, March 11, 2010

Grown Folks Business

Please take a minute to answer one or all of the questions listed below. You could also just write your reaction to the story.

1. Sheridan and Quentin seemed to have such a good marriage as the author explained during Sheridan's struggle of dealing with her husband leaving her, Why do you think Quentin really held onto his secret so long?

2. Do you feel that Sheridan handled her situation well? Do you feel that there are alternative ways that she could have handled the bomb that her husband dropped on her in the beginning of the story?

3. Why do you think that Christopher struggled so hard to deal with the separtion of his parents?

4. Do you believe that Quentin could have handled the situation better, or do you think he did the best that he could under the circumstances?

5. If this happened to you, how would you have handled the news that you husband was sleeping with or in love with someone else, specifically another man?

6. Do you think that it was possible for Quentin to still be a good role model for his children?

7. What were some of the stages of healing that Sheridan went through during the course of this story?

8. Is it realistic to believe that Sharidan could truly forgive Quentin for the emotion turmoil that he put his family through?

9. What was the Irony behind Christopher and his new found friends?

10. During the course of the story, how do you feel the separtaion and news of Quentin being gay affected Christopher and Tori?

11. Why do you think Tori reacted so differently to the situation than christopher?

12. If you were in this situation, would you allow your children to still be around their father and his lover?

13. Why do you think Sheridan began to lose faith in the Lord during this process?

14. Do you think that Sheridan should have tried a little harder to hold on to Quentin?

15. What are your overall reactions to this book?

1 comment:

  1. I believe that Grown Folks Business was a good book. I can understand how Sheridan reacted the way that she did toward her situation. I know that if my husband divorces me for another man, I would know how to handle it. I would be ready to kill him particularly for hiding the fact that he was gay,and wasting precious years of my life.

    I know it had to be hard dealing with a teenage son in this type of drama. I think that the author done a very nice job with portraying the story, and I'm glad that after all was said and done that Sheridan was able to find herslf and put trust back into the Lord.
