Thursday, March 11, 2010

Venting Room

Please feel free to talk about what ever in this room. If you have any new events that you want to let others know about, here is where you can post them.


  1. Already started reading the next book, and I think that I am really going to enjoy this one. from what I can tell, it's a pretty easy read.

  2. I'm tired of having to wait so long for every book i read @ the library. I think i want to start purchasing some of the books

  3. I can understand that. one suggestion is to order the books a month in advance. You can order them from Amazon too, but sometimes they take for ever to arrive too depending on who you purchased from.

  4. I really had a good time last night...You all are hillarious. Can't wait for the next venture!

  5. You know, I can't stand for people to try and twist stuff and make it seem like it's your fault when really the problem resides within them. Well hey we must move on!

  6. I sware, I have never seen a group of people who are afraid to blog their thoughts...what is really the matter??????????

    Ok but for real, I am really frustrated right now. if I don't get some real excite going on, I am going to lose it big time.

  7. I HAVE MY BOOK! This is the first time I have gone to the library and did not have to order a book. I have already read the first couple of chapters, seems like it might be ok, we shall see.

    Hope you guys had a wonderful holiday!

  8. man ok...i think that we need to get it together with this blog. heck yall already know how i feel about it.

    anyway, i am really enjoying redeeming love, who knew?
